Project of the French ministry (ACI):
Energy and Sustainable product developement
Conditions to transform the Industrial System in order to Design and Manufacture Sustainable Products
Industrial System
Short Description
A sustainable product is a clean and remanufacturable product, that is to say, a product which we can put back
in the production circuit at its end of life, after it has been brought to “like-new” conditions. Thus, it keeps
its added value, its life cycle is expanded and stock of wastes are not increased.This project wonders about
the conditions to transform the industrial system in order to set up an industrial strategy for designing and
manufacturing sustainable products. Therefore, the purpose is to, firstly, establish the corpus of scientific
knowledge allowing this kind of eco-conception, then to propose a socio-economic system to insure the efficiency
and rentability of such an approach, and finally to study strategies in order to integrate it efficiently in a firm.
This project associate different laboratories in the field of Engineer Science and Economy to gather knowledge
in design, in evaluating the environmental impacts and firm organisation.